Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 9, 10, 11, & 12

Okay, so as many of you know, towards the beginning, not much is happening. Well, at least not much was happening during my first pregnancy. This pregnancy is giving me all sorts of aches and pains. I’m told they’re called “growing pains”. Last time, I didn’t feel much in terms of my round ligaments. This time, I totally feel it. Not to mention my hip bones routinely ache when I wake up in the mornings.

But let’s add to it no? I have a sinus infection! I’ve been miserable all week. Finally on some antibiotics which have started helping but will hopefully keep helping because I’m far from fixed.

There is a bit of good news. Morning sickness is pretty much in control now. Sometimes I feel it but I wonder how much of it is gagging on my congestion (so attractive I know). Oh, and at about 11 weeks, I felt baby move. The little flutter that says “Hi mommy, I’m here!” So nice to have that regularly rather then wait for the heartbeat monitoring every 4 weeks.

Speaking of heartbeat monitoring, there’s this statistic on how you can tell the sex of the baby based on the heartbeat as early as 12 weeks. Lower heart rates indicate a boy and higher ones indicate a girl. Z was about 135ish at 12 weeks and our doctor decided to “guess” boy. I saw the same doctor this time and baby’s heartbeat came out to a whopping 163. She said this time, she’ll be “guessing” girl. To be honest, if the heartbeat was low, I’d be surprised. I’ve been feeling “girl” for a while now. I’ve really had to resist the urge to refer to it as “her”. I think I won’t resist anymore. If it ends up a boy, that’s fine. It’s not going to change how much I love her/him. But it feels like a girl to me so I’ll just stick with my gut (last pregnancy, I could not imagine Z being anything but a boy even that early on).

Diabetes wise, everything is in control. My doctor’s are very happy with my numbers and keep telling me to keep up the good work. I just need to get over this stupid infection and then I’ll be able to feel excited again!

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