Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 8

So they changed my due date. I am now due on April 30th instead. Week 8 was pretty eventful. I had my first ultrasound. Yay, I'm a proud mother of a blob with a heartbeat! I couldn't see much other then a blob but I did hear a nice heartbeat that averaged 143. Exhaustion has hit me hard this time. Not sure if I didn't notice it last time since sleeping whenever I wanted was no big deal. But this time, omg, I need more sleep. The bitch of it is, I can't fall asleep right away at night. It takes me FOREVER to get comfortable and I'm only in my first trimester!

Morning Sickness has decreased drastically. I had one gagging session all week. The rest of the time I just am not in the "mood" to eat certain things. I can totally deal with this.

Overall, so far so good. But it's only the beginning. And November/December/January promise to be very very busy. Heck, who am I kidding, so does October! Hopefully I'll be able to update regularly!

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