Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 13 - Week 18

Wow, I'm really bad at this updating thing.

In a nutshell, I'm getting bigger. The pregnancy is okay in terms of comfort levels. I'm tired which is to be expected but not as badly as I was the first trimester. Though my stomach is sensitive, no more morning sickness. My hips still hurt quite painfully on days but there's really nothing to be done except for taking Tylenol when its really bad.

The challenges this time seem to be more on an emotional level so far. J tends to drive me crazy and Z doesn't understand he's not allowed to jump and hang on mommy. He's such a boy and I don't want to be bitchy but what the heck am I going to do when he tries that crap when I'm 30+ weeks prego.

So far, though the baby is growing, I've only gained 6 pounds. I've also been colder then usual. As if I'm losing weight? Not sure what's going on. I figure I don't need to worry about it til the doc tells me I do.

Ultrasound is scheduled for this Monday. Hopefully my little bean cooperates so I can find out what names to focus on!