Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 5

The goal is to have a post for each week. I planned to start last week but things got a bit crazy and I didn’t have a chance. This is my post for week 5.

I found out I was pregnant Monday morning. I went to down to tell J and he was a very muted happy. J has this tendency of feeling a lot but reacting very little. I find it sometimes annoys me. But then, I did know what he was like when I married him. His happiness shows through body language. Through a grin he can’t keep off his face. Through his sarcasm while we speak about the next 9 months of our lives. Yes, he can convey happiness through sarcasm.

This pregnancy is more goal-oriented. I know what I have to do in terms of keeping my sugars under control and eating right. I want to do well with this pregnancy. Better in fact then the last one. And the last one came out really well. But then, I’m older and more diabetic for this one.

I’ve been feeling lots of pulling in my uterus. Some of it has been sharp if I stand up suddenly. I went to the gym once during this week but I felt a bit achy around my belly area. I don’t remember an achy belly at all early on. It concerns me. I almost feel like I’m farther along then I think. In fact, I think it’s the opposite. I think my due date is based on a 28 day cycle and this cycle happened to be 35 days. Not sure, I’ll see what the doctors have to say. First appointment is scheduled during week 7.

Annoyingly, I also started feeling some morning sickness. OMG, isn’t it too early? Nothing major but it’s still annoying. I’m also very irritable this pregnancy. Like I’ve turned into Ms. Bitch and I can’t seem to help myself. The only thing I can do is warn people to move out of the way.

I do get all mushy and emotional when I think of little Z being a big brother. He’s going to be so good at it. Why is it being pregnant with a new child makes me feel so much more loving toward him? Is it because I know our one on one time is limited?

The next few weeks will be really busy. I need to focus on eating well and getting enough sleep.

Breast Tenderness - Mild/Moderate
Morning Sickness - Mild